
Refund Policy

Please carefully review and understand our refund policies to fully comprehend the rights and limitations under the eBookwriter.uk Policies. Refunds are provided only in specific cases and under certain conditions, as outlined below:

eBookwriter.uk offers a 100% refund on all services; however, this is not an unconditional guarantee, and several conditions must be met.

Circumstances That Void the eBookwriter.uk Refund Policy:

Incompetent Delivery

If the delivered work does not meet the project's documented requirements, customers may be eligible for a refund after all other options have been exhausted, including:

Late Delivery

While we strive for "On Time Delivery," if we fail to deliver the requested service on time and you have attempted to contact us at least three times, you may be eligible for a refund. This will be granted once it is proven with documentary evidence, that the delay was due to the company's fault.

Refund Time Frame

Refund requests must be made within 30 days of delivery. Requests submitted after this period will not be considered. Customers should note the deadline for claiming a refund at the time of placing their order.

Cases Where a Refund Will Not Be Issued: